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Раздел: Флейм А вот просто... 

Создана: 21 Июля 2002 Вск 15:18:00.
Раздел: "Флейм"
Сообщений в теме: 14, просмотров: 3070

  1. Gas


    Более 10 лет на форуме
    21 Июля 2002 Вск 15:18:00
    Diamond ring, wear it on your hand
    It's gonna tell the world, I'm your only man
    Diamond ring, diamond ring
    Baby, you're my everything, diamond ring

    Red, red rose brought it home to you
    Blood red rose, tells me that you're true
    Red, red rose, blood-red rose
    Like a fire inside that grows, blood-red rose

    When you're hungry, I will fill you up
    When you're thirsty, drink out of my loving cup
    When you're crying, I'll be the tears for you
    There is nothing that I wouldn't do for you

    When you're hungry, I will fill you up
    When you're thirsty, drink out of my loving cup
    When you're crying, I'll be the tears for you
    There is nothing that I wouldn't do for you

    You know, I bleed every night you sleep
    'Cause I don't know if I'm in your dreams
    I want to be your everything...

    Diamond ring, wear it on your hand
    It's gonna tell the world, I'm your only man
    Diamond ring, diamond ring
    Baby, you're my everything, diamond ring
    Darling, you're my everything, diamond ring
    Now, you've got me on your string.....Diamond ring
  2. 22 Июля 2002 Пон 1:10:00
    А перевести можно????
  3. 22 Июля 2002 Пон 8:41:00
    Еще один вариант "Я куплю тебе дом..." уже в исполнении BONJOVI.

    Я воспитан на этом:

    it's been a hard day's night, and I been working like a dog
    it's been a hard day's night, I should be sleeping like a log
    but when I get home to you I'll find the things that you do
    will make me feel alright
    you know I work all day to get you money to buy you things
    and it's worth it just to hear you say you're going to give me everything
    so why on earth should I moan, 'cause when I get you alone
    you know I feel ok
    when I'm home everything seems to be right
    when I'm home feeling you holding me tight, tight (Ummm)
    so why on earth should I moan, 'cause when I get you alone
    you know I feel ok
    you know I feel alright
    you know I feel alright

    Мне кажется это гораздо более по мужски, чем пить пиво в гаражах, обсуждая хрен знает какие проблемы.
  4. Elli


    Более 10 лет на форуме
    22 Июля 2002 Пон 10:58:00
    I know - it would not be long,
    wonderful life I belong to.
    I've got a bit of time.
    So now I'll try
    being here, in spot of light,
    to tell you, wonderful world,
    simple & frankful & true words
    of thankfulness
    and whisper: I guess,
    You see me being here.
    God bless.

    You gave me my voice
    and You gave me chance
    to perform here
    strange kind of romance:

    Once upon a time
    I was an innocent child,
    gathering dandelions,
    hunting for dragonflies.
    But those days are over,
    they have gone forever,
    & I kissed them bye-bye.

    Once I was a funny little girl,
    & of course,
    I was waiting for a young prince
    riding pearly white horse -
    but those days are over.
    They have gone forever.
    Prince appeared to be
    a knight without remorse.

    I guess - it would not be long,
    wonderful time I can sing songs,
    I can feel Love,
    I do can feel Pain
    & survive again & again.
    Please listen, my sweet Lord,
    oh, tell me - I'm wrong,
    when I think
    that it would not be long.
  5. 22 Июля 2002 Пон 23:56:00
    Женщина, освободившаяся от иллюзий детства. Это же хорошо, надо только приветствовать.
    Легкая печаль по этому поводу - ну это еще Эклизиаст объяснил, мол, знания порождают печаль.
  6. 22 Июля 2002 Пон 13:52:00
    Ушёл учить англ. яз....Ндя...мог бы и перевести, блин!!
  7. Gas


    Более 10 лет на форуме
    22 Июля 2002 Пон 15:20:00
    В оригинале написано
    Еще один вариант "Я куплю тебе дом..." уже в исполнении BONJOVI.

    Я воспитан на этом:

    it's been a hard day's night, and I been working like a dog
    it's been a hard day's night, I should be sleeping like a log
    but when I get home to you I'll find the things that you do
    will make me feel alright
    you know I work all day to get you money to buy you things
    and it's worth it just to hear you say you're going to give me everything
    so why on earth should I moan, 'cause when I get you alone
    you know I feel ok
    when I'm home everything seems to be right
    when I'm home feeling you holding me tight, tight (Ummm)
    so why on earth should I moan, 'cause when I get you alone
    you know I feel ok
    you know I feel alright
    you know I feel alright

    Мне кажется это гораздо более по мужски, чем пить пиво в гаражах, обсуждая хрен знает какие проблемы.

    Diamond Ring Это и есть творчество Bon Jovi

    Я рос с ними и до сих пор это моя любимая группа
  8. Gas


    Более 10 лет на форуме
    22 Июля 2002 Пон 15:21:00
    You said you loved to watch me sleep
    You put your head down on my chest
    To hear my breath

    Go on, take my last breath from me
    I don't want to live no more
    And cut my eyes so I can't see
    I can't see you looking back as you walk out the door

    Cold, hard heart
    Cold, hard heart
    What's it gonna take
    To break your cold, hard heart

    I was a lover lost at sea
    You found me washed up on the beach
    You took me home, you gave me breakfast
    I said i'd offer you protection, but you didn't charge a fee

    Cold, hard heart
    Cold, hard heart
    What's it gonna take
    To break your cold, hard heart

    Cold, hard heart
    Cold, hard heart
    What's it gonna take
    To break your cold, hard heart

    What are you hiding underneath that shirt
    If you're the one to run babe
    Then you don't feel the hurt

    Her hair so brown, and eyes so green
    You used to say I made good company
    She'd bring me win and sip her tea
    Then you'd give yourself what you could give to me

    Cold, hard heart
    Cold, hard heart
    What's it gonna take
    To break your cold, hard heart
    Cold, hard heart
    Cold, hard heart
    What's it gonna take
    To break your cold, hard heart
    What's it gonna take
  9. 23 Июля 2002 Втр 8:40:00
    GAS! Ты сам то как думаешь? У кого холодное жестокое сердце? Тетка вроде нормальная - подобрала, обогрела, накормила, регулярно слушает дыхание.
    А может это не тетка, а паренек (зеленоглазый?), опять же крышу предлагает, а он деваху завел.
  10. Gas


    Более 10 лет на форуме
    23 Июля 2002 Втр 10:18:00
    В оригинале написано
    GAS! Ты сам то как думаешь? У кого холодное жестокое сердце? Тетка вроде нормальная - подобрала, обогрела, накормила, регулярно слушает дыхание.
    А может это не тетка, а паренек (зеленоглазый?), опять же крышу предлагает, а он деваху завел.

    Ну так я думаю у него... у кого же еще
    Хотя знаешь, Сибком (тьфу терпеть не могу так.. давай уже имя свое скажи а?), это кому как видится... восприятние у всех свое, как стихов так и песен. вот еще... одна из моих любимых

    I got my call light on
    Gimme one more fare tonight
    Just get me over the bridge
    I can see those shiny bay lights
    You know I'm never alone
    But I'm feeling lonely tonight
    Damn, I got my last cigarette
    But I ain't got not light

    God let these wheels roll
    To where the girls are pretty
    When the nights explode
    And life is still living
    Down this open road
    The arms of pity
    Wait to greet me tonight in little city

    In my rear view mirror
    I see someone else's hairline
    I hear that fire in your eyes
    Is on the rock and doing hard time

    And the grapes of wrath, they're on the vine
    There's wine in this dirt
    Here love ain't love
    It's just another four letter word

    God let these wheels roll
    To where the girls are pretty
    When the nights explode
    And life is still living
    Down this open road
    The arms of pity
    Wait to greet me tonight in little city

    Now that cold gray fog's
    Just a rolling down the highway
    He's come to carry me home
    It's put a little smile on my face

    хотя у меня в принципе все они любимые.
  11. 23 Июля 2002 Втр 23:23:00
    Не увидел душевного надрыва, слишком спокойно, стою на мосту, докурил последнюю сигарету, любовь - всего лишь четырехбуквенное слово,
    а в конце - увезли его домой, оказался он живой.
    В смысле - маленькая улыбка появилась на его лице.
    Но честно говоря, здесь достаточно сложные конструкции предложений для меня, это не английские тексты Ирины Богушевской, предложенные Эль.
    Ни в коей мере не принижаю достоинств BJ.
  12. Elli


    Более 10 лет на форуме
    27 Июля 2002 Суб 4:17:00
    В оригинале написано
    Но честно говоря, здесь достаточно сложные конструкции предложений для меня, это не английские тексты Ирины Богушевской, предложенные Эль.

    а мне даже русские её тексты не всегда понятны:(
  13. Gas


    Более 10 лет на форуме
    28 Июля 2002 Вск 23:01:00
    Rumour has it that your daddy's coming down
    He's gonna pay the rent
    Tell me baby, is this as good as life is gonna get
    It feels like there is a stranger standing in these shoes
    But, I know I can't lose me, 'cause then I'd be losing you

    I know I promised baby
    I would be the one to make our dreams come true
    I ain't too proud of all the struggles
    And the hard times we've been through
    When this cold world comes between us
    Please tell me you'll be brave

    'Cause I can realize the danger when forgiveness fades away
    If you don't love me - lie to me
    'Cause baby you're the one thing I believe
    Let it all fall down around us, if that's what's meant to be
    Right now if you don't love me baby - lie to me

    Pour another cup of coffee, babe I got something to say to you
    I ain't got the winning ticket
    Not the one that's gonna pull us through
    No one said it'd be easy, let your old man take you home
    But know if you walk out on me
    That darling, I'd be gone

    If you don't love me - lie to me
    'Cause baby you're the one thing I believe
    Let it all fall down around us, if that's what's meant to be
    Right now if you don't love me baby - lie to me
    Baby - I can take it

    It's a bitch, but life's a roller coaster ride
    The ups and downs will make you scream sometimes
    It's hard believing that the thrill is gone
    But we got to go around again, so let's hold on

    If you don't love me - lie to me
    'Cause baby you're the one thing I believe
    Let it all fall down around us, if that's what's meant to be
    Right now if you don't love me baby - lie to me, lie to me
    Baby I can take it
    C'mon lie to me.....
  14. Gas


    Более 10 лет на форуме
    30 Июля 2002 Втр 8:18:00
    I've been staring at the page
    For what seems like days
    I guess I put this one off for a while
    Did I see a tear fall from your eyes
    Or did you laugh so hard that you cried
    When I served my secrets on a silver tray to you
    Hey now, I guess the night's just bringing me down

    There's not love, there's no hate
    I left them there for you to take
    But, know that every word was a piece of my heart

    You've been the blood in my veins
    The only one who knows my middle name
    And the smiles they came easy 'cause of you
    You know that I love you, but I hate you
    'Cause I know I can never escape you
    Let the choir sing for tonight I'm an easy mark
    Hey now, am I acting just a little too proud

    There's not love, there's no hate
    I left them there for you to take
    But know that every word was a piece of my heart
    Have I said too much
    Maybe I haven't said enough
    But know that every word was a piece of my heart

    Hush me darling, maybe I've lost my touch
    Maybe I've lost my guts - there, is that truth enough
    Hey now, Hey now

    You know these love letters mix with whisky
    Just don't light a match when you kiss me
    Though I'll blow away, you know I'll be back soon
    Hey now, Hey now, Hey now, am I talking just a little too loud

    There's not love, there's no hate
    I left them there for you to take
    But know that every word was a piece of my heart
    Have I said too much
    Maybe I haven't said enough
    But know that every word was a piece of my heart
    Hey now, am I talking just a little too proud
    Hey now, the night's just bringing me down