I search for a old school frend plz help
Создана: 27 Июля 2005 Срд 18:29:19.
Раздел: "Нужна помощь"
Сообщений в теме: 21, просмотров: 5535
I search for my old frend Andrej Titov.. he lived at "levij bereg"
He is 29-30 years old. And was in school number 20...
PLZ help me searching...
I have to come back to omsk and visit all....
my school time starts at 83... in school number 20...
You can write me in english, german or russian...to. ennsyodf@hotmail.com
Can someone help me.. PLZ
The same shitt in german:
Ich suche einen alten Schulfreund. Sein Name ist Andrej Titov. Wie der Ruamfahrer damals. Er ist 29-30 Jahre alt. Erwar mit mir in der Schule Nummer 20 in Omsk (levij bereg). Ich habe for nach russland zu kommen und alle zu besuchen. es ist 15 Jahre her.
Ihr könnt mir in russisch english oder deutsch schreiben.
So Names i searching vor:
Lubov Misnikova
Kostia Turin
Andrej Toitov -
In response to your post located in another thread...
Ennso писал(а):it is possible to find hier someone who can speak english or german?
or are you rush in Omsk so uncutured/uneducated?
Perhaps before you start looking for people to help you, it would help to learn to be polite and respectful!
Apparently no one at the moment knows where to find your old friends, so please stop bugging people in every other thread - and wait! It's possible that someone is going to reply to you at a later time.
If nothing else, duplication of your threads and requests in different sections of the forum is a violation of the forum rules. -
Мучник писал(а)
:In response to your post located in another thread...
Ennso писал(а):it is possible to find hier someone who can speak english or german?
or are you rush in Omsk so uncutured/uneducated?
Perhaps before you start looking for people to help you, it would help to learn to be polite and respectful!
Apparently no one at the moment knows where to find your old friends, so please stop bugging people in every other thread - and wait! It's possible that someone is going to reply to you at a later time.
If nothing else, duplication of your threads and requests in different sections of the forum is a violation of the forum rules.
мда violation -
Ennso писал(а)
Oh yeh. you are right.
I keep hier sitting and wait the time you need to learn anther language or an russian keybort felt on my table from the haven!!!
Ok Ennso! Maybe, I can help you... Send a more information about your friends to DJMAXVOLKOFF@YANDEX.RU ...where they lived?...and e.t.c. -
Ennso писал(а)
I search for my old frend Andrej Titov.. he lived at "levij bereg"
Ihr könnt mir in russisch english oder deutsch schreiben.
So Names i searching vor:
Lubov Misnikova
Kostia Turin
Andrej Toitov
Den kenne ich leider nicht, sonst würde ich dir helfen. Und sag mal, wo wohnst du in Deutschland? Ich bin aus Stralsund,schon seit paar Jahre hier, früher lebte ich aber in Omsk. Falls du noch was brauchst, kannst dich ohne problem mit mir in Verbindung setzen.
Ah so es wäre noch was, pass mal auf, ein Kerl hier ist ein totaler Perversling. -