Обсуждения фотографий форумчан (на позитивной волне).
Создана: 22 Сентября 2006 Птн 12:38:47.
Раздел: "Знакомства и т.д."
Сообщений в теме: 5761, просмотров: 1015516
I saw you last night
Just watching you dancing
I could?t stop thinking about you
How you move
How you groove
How you shake
I was hoping I see you tonight
And I?m wondering, hoping
That I see you
And to have only one dance with you
And maybe to dance the whole night through
You and me
Just to look into your eyes
And feel the warmth, the love, the passion
Feel the vibration
The music and the rythm
I was hoping
You ask for dancing
Just to hold you
And catch your smile ... -